
SDKには、Skill インスタンスを作成する SkillBuilder が含まれています。構造は次のとおりです。

class SkillBuilder(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize empty collections for request components,
        # exception handlers, interceptors.

    def add_request_handler(self, handler):
        # type: (AbstractRequestHandler) -> None

    def add_exception_handler(self, handler):
        # type: (AbstractExceptionHandler) -> None

    def add_global_request_interceptor(self, interceptor):
        # type: (AbstractRequestInterceptor) -> None

    def add_global_response_interceptor(self, interceptor):
        # type: (AbstractResponseInterceptor) -> None

    def skill_configuration(self):
        # type: () -> SkillConfiguration
        # Build configuration object using the registered components

    def create(self):
        # type: () -> Skill
        # Create the skill using the skill configuration

    def lambda_handler(self):
        # type: () -> LambdaHandler
        # Create a lambda handler function that can be tagged to
        # AWS Lambda handler.
        # Processes the alexa request before invoking the skill,
        # processes the alexa response before providing to the service

    def request_handler(self, can_handle_func):
        # type: (Callable[[HandlerInput], bool]) -> None
        # Request Handler decorator

    def exception_handler(self, can_handle_func):
        # type: (Callable[[HandlerInput, Exception], bool]) -> None
        # Exception Handler decorator

    def global_request_interceptor(self):
        # type: () -> None
        # Global Request Interceptor decorator

    def global_response_interceptor(self):
        # type: () -> None
        # Global Response Interceptor decorator

SkillBuilder クラスには2つの拡張機能 CustomSkillBuilder および StandardSkillBuilder があります。


CustomSkillBuilder は、ask-sdk-coreask-sdk パッケージの両方で使用できます。上の共通のヘルパー関数に加えて、CustomSkillBuilder にも AbstractPersistentAdapterask_sdk_model.services.ApiClient クラスのカスタム実装を登録できる関数があります。

class CustomSkillBuilder(SkillBuilder):
    def __init__(self, persistence_adapter=None, api_client=None):
        # type: (AbstractPersistenceAdapter, ApiClient) -> None

    def skill_configuration(self):
        # Create skill configuration from skill builder along with
        # registered persistence adapter and api client


StandardSkillBuilderask-sdk パッケージでのみ使用できます。これはpersistence_adapterを ask_sdk_dynamo.adapter.DynamoDbPersistenceAdapter として、api_clientを ask_sdk_core.api_client.DefaultApiClient として使用し、持続性機能およびサービスクライアント機能を提供する CustomSKillBuilder のラッパーです。また、Dynamo DBテーブルオプションを設定するオプションのパラメーターも提供します。

class StandardSkillBuilder(SkillBuilder):
    def __init__(self,
            table_name=None, auto_create_table=None,
            partition_keygen=None, dynamodb_client=None):
        # type: (str, bool, Callable[[RequestEnvelope], str], ServiceResource) -> None)

    def skill_configuration(self):
        # Create skill configuration from skill builder along with
        # default api client and dynamodb persistence adapter with
        # the passed in table configuration options.