ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections package



Canonical imports have been added in the of the package. This helps in importing the class directly from the package, than through the module.

For eg: if package a has module b with class C, you can do from a import C instead of from a.b import C.

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.connections_request module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.connections_request.ConnectionsRequest(request_id=None, timestamp=None, locale=None, name=None, payload=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.request.Request

This is the request object that a skill will receive as a result of Connections.SendRequest directive from sender skill.

  • request_id ((optional) str) – Represents the unique identifier for the specific request.
  • timestamp ((optional) datetime) – Provides the date and time when Alexa sent the request as an ISO 8601 formatted string. Used to verify the request when hosting your skill as a web service.
  • locale ((optional) str) – A string indicating the user’s locale. For example: en-US. This value is only provided with certain request types.
  • name ((optional) str) – Name of the action sent by the referrer skill.
  • payload ((optional) dict(str, object)) – This is an object sent between the two skills for processing a ConnectionsRequest or ConnectionsResponse. This will always be a valid payload based on Action schema for the requester action.
attribute_map = {'locale': 'locale', 'name': 'name', 'object_type': 'type', 'payload': 'payload', 'request_id': 'requestId', 'timestamp': 'timestamp'}
deserialized_types = {'locale': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'payload': 'dict(str, object)', 'request_id': 'str', 'timestamp': 'datetime'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.connections_response module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.connections_response.ConnectionsResponse(request_id=None, timestamp=None, locale=None, status=None, name=None, payload=None, token=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.request.Request

This is the request object that a skill will receive as a result of Connections.SendResponse directive from referrer skill.

  • request_id ((optional) str) – Represents the unique identifier for the specific request.
  • timestamp ((optional) datetime) – Provides the date and time when Alexa sent the request as an ISO 8601 formatted string. Used to verify the request when hosting your skill as a web service.
  • locale ((optional) str) – A string indicating the user’s locale. For example: en-US. This value is only provided with certain request types.
  • status ((optional) ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.connections_status.ConnectionsStatus) –
  • name ((optional) str) – Name of the action for which response is received.
  • payload ((optional) dict(str, object)) – This is an object sent from referrer skill as is.
  • token ((optional) str) – This is the token that the skill originally sent with the ConnectionsSendRequest directive.
attribute_map = {'locale': 'locale', 'name': 'name', 'object_type': 'type', 'payload': 'payload', 'request_id': 'requestId', 'status': 'status', 'timestamp': 'timestamp', 'token': 'token'}
deserialized_types = {'locale': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'payload': 'dict(str, object)', 'request_id': 'str', 'status': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.connections_status.ConnectionsStatus', 'timestamp': 'datetime', 'token': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.connections_status module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.connections_status.ConnectionsStatus(code=None, message=None)

Bases: object

Connection Status indicates a high level understanding of the result of ConnectionsRequest.

  • code ((optional) str) – This is a code signifying the status of the request sent by the skill. Protocol adheres to HTTP status codes.
  • message ((optional) str) – This is a message that goes along with response code that can provide more information about what occurred
attribute_map = {'code': 'code', 'message': 'message'}
deserialized_types = {'code': 'str', 'message': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.send_request_directive module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.send_request_directive.SendRequestDirective(name=None, payload=None, token=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.directive.Directive

This is the directive that a skill can send as part of their response to a session based request to execute a predefined Connections. This will also return a result to the referring skill. (No Guarantee response will be returned)

  • name ((optional) str) – This defines the name of the Connection skill is trying to execute. It must be a valid and supported Connection name.
  • payload ((optional) dict(str, object)) – This is an object sent between the two skills for processing a ConnectionsRequest or ConnectionsResponse. The contract for the object is based on the schema of the Action used in the SendRequestDirective. Invalid payloads will result in errors sent back to the referrer.
  • token ((optional) str) – This is an echo back string that skills send when during Connections.SendRequest directive. They will receive it when they get the ConnectionsResponse. It is never sent to the skill handling the request.
attribute_map = {'name': 'name', 'object_type': 'type', 'payload': 'payload', 'token': 'token'}
deserialized_types = {'name': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'payload': 'dict(str, object)', 'token': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.send_response_directive module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.send_response_directive.SendResponseDirective(status=None, payload=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.directive.Directive

This is the directive that a skill can send as part of their response to a session based request to return a response to ConnectionsRequest.

attribute_map = {'object_type': 'type', 'payload': 'payload', 'status': 'status'}
deserialized_types = {'object_type': 'str', 'payload': 'dict(str, object)', 'status': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.connections.connections_status.ConnectionsStatus'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model