ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics package



Canonical imports have been added in the of the package. This helps in importing the class directly from the package, than through the module.

For eg: if package a has module b with class C, you can do from a import C instead of from a.b import C.

ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics.get_metric_data_response module

class ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics.get_metric_data_response.GetMetricDataResponse(metric=None, timestamps=None, values=None, next_token=None)

Bases: object

Response object for the API call which contains metrics data.

  • metric ((optional) str) – The name of metric which customer requested.
  • timestamps ((optional) list[datetime]) – The timestamps for the data points.
  • values ((optional) list[float]) – The data points for the metric corresponding to Timestamps.
  • next_token ((optional) str) – A token that marks the next batch of returned results.
attribute_map = {'metric': 'metric', 'next_token': 'nextToken', 'timestamps': 'timestamps', 'values': 'values'}
deserialized_types = {'metric': 'str', 'next_token': 'str', 'timestamps': 'list[datetime]', 'values': 'list[float]'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics.metric module

class ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics.metric.Metric

Bases: enum.Enum

A distinct set of logic which predictably returns a set of data.

Allowed enum values: [uniqueCustomers, totalEnablements, totalUtterances, successfulUtterances, failedUtterances, totalSessions, successfulSessions, incompleteSessions, userEndedSessions, skillEndedSessions]

failedUtterances = 'failedUtterances'
incompleteSessions = 'incompleteSessions'
skillEndedSessions = 'skillEndedSessions'
successfulSessions = 'successfulSessions'
successfulUtterances = 'successfulUtterances'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

totalEnablements = 'totalEnablements'
totalSessions = 'totalSessions'
totalUtterances = 'totalUtterances'
uniqueCustomers = 'uniqueCustomers'
userEndedSessions = 'userEndedSessions'

ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics.period module

class ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics.period.Period

Bases: enum.Enum

The aggregation period to use when retrieving the metric, follows ISO_8601#Durations format.

Allowed enum values: [SINGLE, PT15M, PT1H, P1D]

P1D = 'P1D'
PT15M = 'PT15M'
PT1H = 'PT1H'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics.skill_type module

class ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics.skill_type.SkillType

Bases: enum.Enum

The type of the skill (custom, smartHome and flashBriefing).

Allowed enum values: [custom, smartHome, flashBriefing]

custom = 'custom'
flashBriefing = 'flashBriefing'
smartHome = 'smartHome'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics.stage_for_metric module

class ask_smapi_model.v1.skill.metrics.stage_for_metric.StageForMetric

Bases: enum.Enum

The stage of the skill (live, development).

Allowed enum values: [live, development]

development = 'development'
live = 'live'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model