ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl package



Canonical imports have been added in the of the package. This helps in importing the class directly from the package, than through the module.

For eg: if package a has module b with class C, you can do from a import C instead of from a.b import C.

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.alexa_presentation_apl_interface module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.alexa_presentation_apl_interface.AlexaPresentationAplInterface(runtime=None)

Bases: object

Parameters:runtime ((optional) ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.runtime.Runtime) –
attribute_map = {'runtime': 'runtime'}
deserialized_types = {'runtime': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.runtime.Runtime'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.align module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.align.Align

Bases: enum.Enum

The alignment of the item after scrolling. Defaults to visible.

Allowed enum values: [center, first, last, visible]

center = 'center'
first = 'first'
last = 'last'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

visible = 'visible'

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animate_item_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animate_item_command.AnimateItemCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, component_id=None, duration=None, easing='linear', repeat_count=None, repeat_mode=None, value=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Runs a fixed-duration animation sequence on one or more properties of a single component.

attribute_map = {'component_id': 'componentId', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'duration': 'duration', 'easing': 'easing', 'object_type': 'type', 'repeat_count': 'repeatCount', 'repeat_mode': 'repeatMode', 'value': 'value', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'component_id': 'str', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'duration': 'int', 'easing': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'repeat_count': 'int', 'repeat_mode': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animate_item_repeat_mode.AnimateItemRepeatMode', 'value': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_property.AnimatedProperty]', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animate_item_repeat_mode module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animate_item_repeat_mode.AnimateItemRepeatMode

Bases: enum.Enum

How repeated animations will play.

Allowed enum values: [restart, reverse]

restart = 'restart'
reverse = 'reverse'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_opacity_property module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_opacity_property.AnimatedOpacityProperty(object_from=None, to=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_property.AnimatedProperty

  • object_from ((optional) float) – The starting value of the property.
  • to ((optional) float) – The ending value of the property.
attribute_map = {'object_from': 'from', 'object_property': 'property', 'to': 'to'}
deserialized_types = {'object_from': 'float', 'object_property': 'str', 'to': 'float'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_property module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_property.AnimatedProperty(object_property=None)

Bases: object

Parameters:object_property ((optional) str) – The name of the property to animate


This is an abstract class. Use the following mapping, to figure out the model class to be instantiated, that sets property variable.

attribute_map = {'object_property': 'property'}
deserialized_types = {'object_property': 'str'}
discriminator_value_class_map = {'opacity': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_opacity_property.AnimatedOpacityProperty', 'transform': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_transform_property.AnimatedTransformProperty'}
classmethod get_real_child_model(data)

Returns the real base class specified by the discriminator

json_discriminator_key = 'property'
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_transform_property module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_transform_property.AnimatedTransformProperty(object_from=None, to=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animated_property.AnimatedProperty

attribute_map = {'object_from': 'from', 'object_property': 'property', 'to': 'to'}
deserialized_types = {'object_from': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.transform_property.TransformProperty]', 'object_property': 'str', 'to': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.transform_property.TransformProperty]'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.audio_track module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.audio_track.AudioTrack

Bases: enum.Enum

The audio track to play on. Defaults to “foreground”

Allowed enum values: [foreground]

foreground = 'foreground'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.auto_page_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.auto_page_command.AutoPageCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, component_id=None, count=None, duration=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Automatically progress through a series of pages displayed in a Pager component. The AutoPage command finishes after the last page has been displayed for the requested time period.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • component_id ((optional) str) – The id of the Pager component.
  • count ((optional) int) – Number of pages to display. Defaults to all of them.
  • duration ((optional) int) – Time to wait between pages (in milliseconds). Defaults to 0.
attribute_map = {'component_id': 'componentId', 'count': 'count', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'duration': 'duration', 'object_type': 'type', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'component_id': 'str', 'count': 'int', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'duration': 'int', 'object_type': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.clear_focus_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.clear_focus_command.ClearFocusCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Removes focus from the component that is currently in focus.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
attribute_map = {'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command(object_type=None, delay=None, description=None, when=None)

Bases: object

A message that can change the visual or audio presentation of the content on the screen.

  • object_type ((optional) str) – Defines the command type and dictates which properties must/can be included.
  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.


This is an abstract class. Use the following mapping, to figure out the model class to be instantiated, that sets type variable.

attribute_map = {'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
discriminator_value_class_map = {'AnimateItem': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.animate_item_command.AnimateItemCommand', 'AutoPage': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.auto_page_command.AutoPageCommand', 'ClearFocus': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.clear_focus_command.ClearFocusCommand', 'ControlMedia': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.control_media_command.ControlMediaCommand', 'Idle': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.idle_command.IdleCommand', 'OpenURL': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.open_url_command.OpenUrlCommand', 'Parallel': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.parallel_command.ParallelCommand', 'PlayMedia': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.play_media_command.PlayMediaCommand', 'Scroll': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.scroll_command.ScrollCommand', 'ScrollToIndex': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.scroll_to_index_command.ScrollToIndexCommand', 'SendEvent': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.send_event_command.SendEventCommand', 'Sequential': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.sequential_command.SequentialCommand', 'SetFocus': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_focus_command.SetFocusCommand', 'SetPage': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_page_command.SetPageCommand', 'SetState': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_state_command.SetStateCommand', 'SetValue': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_value_command.SetValueCommand', 'SpeakItem': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.speak_item_command.SpeakItemCommand', 'SpeakList': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.speak_list_command.SpeakListCommand'}
classmethod get_real_child_model(data)

Returns the real base class specified by the discriminator

json_discriminator_key = 'type'
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_entity module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_entity.ComponentEntity(object_type=None, value=None, id=None)

Bases: object

The entity context data which was attached to an element.

  • object_type ((optional) str) –
  • value ((optional) str) –
  • id ((optional) str) –
attribute_map = {'id': 'id', 'object_type': 'type', 'value': 'value'}
deserialized_types = {'id': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'value': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_state module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_state.ComponentState

Bases: enum.Enum

Component state.

Allowed enum values: [checked, disabled, focused]

checked = 'checked'
disabled = 'disabled'
focused = 'focused'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen.ComponentVisibleOnScreen(children=None, entities=None, id=None, position=None, tags=None, transform=None, object_type=None, uid=None, visibility=None)

Bases: object

Definition of a visible APL element shown on screen.

attribute_map = {'children': 'children', 'entities': 'entities', 'id': 'id', 'object_type': 'type', 'position': 'position', 'tags': 'tags', 'transform': 'transform', 'uid': 'uid', 'visibility': 'visibility'}
deserialized_types = {'children': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen.ComponentVisibleOnScreen]', 'entities': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_entity.ComponentEntity]', 'id': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'position': 'str', 'tags': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_tags.ComponentVisibleOnScreenTags', 'transform': 'list[float]', 'uid': 'str', 'visibility': 'float'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_list_item_tag module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_list_item_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenListItemTag(index=None)

Bases: object

An element in a scrolling list

Parameters:index ((optional) int) – The zero-based index of this item in its parent.
attribute_map = {'index': 'index'}
deserialized_types = {'index': 'int'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_list_tag module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_list_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenListTag(item_count=None, lowest_index_seen=None, highest_index_seen=None, lowest_ordinal_seen=None, highest_ordinal_seen=None)

Bases: object

An ordered list of items

  • item_count ((optional) int) – The total number of items in the list.
  • lowest_index_seen ((optional) int) – The index of the lowest item seen.
  • highest_index_seen ((optional) int) – The index of the highest item seen.
  • lowest_ordinal_seen ((optional) int) – The ordinal of the lowest ordinal-equipped item seen.
  • highest_ordinal_seen ((optional) int) – The ordinal of the highest ordinal-equipped item seen.
attribute_map = {'highest_index_seen': 'highestIndexSeen', 'highest_ordinal_seen': 'highestOrdinalSeen', 'item_count': 'itemCount', 'lowest_index_seen': 'lowestIndexSeen', 'lowest_ordinal_seen': 'lowestOrdinalSeen'}
deserialized_types = {'highest_index_seen': 'int', 'highest_ordinal_seen': 'int', 'item_count': 'int', 'lowest_index_seen': 'int', 'lowest_ordinal_seen': 'int'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_media_tag module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_media_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenMediaTag(position_in_milliseconds=None, state=None, allow_adjust_seek_position_forward=None, allow_adjust_seek_position_backwards=None, allow_next=None, allow_previous=None, entities=None, url=None)

Bases: object

Media player

attribute_map = {'allow_adjust_seek_position_backwards': 'allowAdjustSeekPositionBackwards', 'allow_adjust_seek_position_forward': 'allowAdjustSeekPositionForward', 'allow_next': 'allowNext', 'allow_previous': 'allowPrevious', 'entities': 'entities', 'position_in_milliseconds': 'positionInMilliseconds', 'state': 'state', 'url': 'url'}
deserialized_types = {'allow_adjust_seek_position_backwards': 'bool', 'allow_adjust_seek_position_forward': 'bool', 'allow_next': 'bool', 'allow_previous': 'bool', 'entities': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_entity.ComponentEntity]', 'position_in_milliseconds': 'int', 'state': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_media_tag_state_enum.ComponentVisibleOnScreenMediaTagStateEnum', 'url': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_media_tag_state_enum module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_media_tag_state_enum.ComponentVisibleOnScreenMediaTagStateEnum

Bases: enum.Enum

Media player stage posible states

Allowed enum values: [idle, playing, paused]

idle = 'idle'
paused = 'paused'
playing = 'playing'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_pager_tag module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_pager_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenPagerTag(index=None, page_count=None, allow_forward=None, allow_backwards=None)

Bases: object

A collection of items that are displayed one at a time.

  • index ((optional) int) – The index of the current page.
  • page_count ((optional) int) – The total number of pages.
  • allow_forward ((optional) bool) – Indicates whether the pager will accept a forward command.
  • allow_backwards ((optional) bool) – Indicates whether the pager will accept a backward command.
attribute_map = {'allow_backwards': 'allowBackwards', 'allow_forward': 'allowForward', 'index': 'index', 'page_count': 'pageCount'}
deserialized_types = {'allow_backwards': 'bool', 'allow_forward': 'bool', 'index': 'int', 'page_count': 'int'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_scrollable_tag module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_scrollable_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenScrollableTag(direction=None, allow_forward=None, allow_backward=None)

Bases: object

A scrollable region.

attribute_map = {'allow_backward': 'allowBackward', 'allow_forward': 'allowForward', 'direction': 'direction'}
deserialized_types = {'allow_backward': 'bool', 'allow_forward': 'bool', 'direction': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_scrollable_tag_direction_enum.ComponentVisibleOnScreenScrollableTagDirectionEnum'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_scrollable_tag_direction_enum module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_scrollable_tag_direction_enum.ComponentVisibleOnScreenScrollableTagDirectionEnum

Bases: enum.Enum

Scrolling direction

Allowed enum values: [horizontal, vertical]

horizontal = 'horizontal'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

vertical = 'vertical'

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_tags module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_tags.ComponentVisibleOnScreenTags(checked=None, clickable=None, disabled=None, focused=None, list=None, list_item=None, media=None, ordinal=None, pager=None, scrollable=None, spoken=None, viewport=None)

Bases: object

The tags which were attached to an element.

attribute_map = {'checked': 'checked', 'clickable': 'clickable', 'disabled': 'disabled', 'focused': 'focused', 'list': 'list', 'list_item': 'listItem', 'media': 'media', 'ordinal': 'ordinal', 'pager': 'pager', 'scrollable': 'scrollable', 'spoken': 'spoken', 'viewport': 'viewport'}
deserialized_types = {'checked': 'bool', 'clickable': 'bool', 'disabled': 'bool', 'focused': 'bool', 'list': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_list_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenListTag', 'list_item': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_list_item_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenListItemTag', 'media': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_media_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenMediaTag', 'ordinal': 'int', 'pager': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_pager_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenPagerTag', 'scrollable': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_scrollable_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenScrollableTag', 'spoken': 'bool', 'viewport': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_viewport_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenViewportTag'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_viewport_tag module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen_viewport_tag.ComponentVisibleOnScreenViewportTag

Bases: object

The entire screen in which a document is rendered.

attribute_map = {}
deserialized_types = {}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.control_media_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.control_media_command.ControlMediaCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, command=None, component_id=None, value=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Control a media player to play, pause, change tracks, or perform some other common action.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • command ((optional) ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.media_command_type.MediaCommandType) – The command to issue on the media player
  • component_id ((optional) str) – The name of the media playing component
  • value ((optional) int) – Optional data value
attribute_map = {'command': 'command', 'component_id': 'componentId', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'value': 'value', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'command': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.media_command_type.MediaCommandType', 'component_id': 'str', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'value': 'int', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.execute_commands_directive module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.execute_commands_directive.ExecuteCommandsDirective(commands=None, token=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.directive.Directive

Alexa.Presentation.APL.ExecuteCommands directive used to send APL commands to a device.

attribute_map = {'commands': 'commands', 'object_type': 'type', 'token': 'token'}
deserialized_types = {'commands': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]', 'object_type': 'str', 'token': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.highlight_mode module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.highlight_mode.HighlightMode

Bases: enum.Enum

How highlighting is applied: on a line-by-line basis, or to the entire block. Defaults to block.

Allowed enum values: [block, line]

block = 'block'
line = 'line'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.idle_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.idle_command.IdleCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

The idle command does nothing. It may be a placeholder or used to insert a calculated delay in a longer series of commands.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
attribute_map = {'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.media_command_type module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.media_command_type.MediaCommandType

Bases: enum.Enum

The command enumerated value is the operation that should be performed on the media player.

Allowed enum values: [play, pause, next, previous, rewind, seek, setTrack]

next = 'next'
pause = 'pause'
play = 'play'
previous = 'previous'
rewind = 'rewind'
seek = 'seek'
setTrack = 'setTrack'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.move_transform_property module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.move_transform_property.MoveTransformProperty(translate_x=None, translate_y=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.transform_property.TransformProperty

  • translate_x ((optional) str) – Distance to translate the object to the right.
  • translate_y ((optional) str) – Distance to translate the object down.
attribute_map = {'translate_x': 'translateX', 'translate_y': 'translateY'}
deserialized_types = {'translate_x': 'str', 'translate_y': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.open_url_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.open_url_command.OpenUrlCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, source=None, on_fail=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Opens a url with web browser or other application on the device. The APL author is responsible for providing a suitable URL that works on the current device.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • source ((optional) str) – The URL to open
  • on_fail ((optional) list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]) – Commands to execute if the URL fails to open
attribute_map = {'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'on_fail': 'onFail', 'source': 'source', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'on_fail': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]', 'source': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.parallel_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.parallel_command.ParallelCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, commands=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Execute a series of commands in parallel. The parallel command starts executing all child command simultaneously. The parallel command is considered finished when all of its child commands have finished. When the parallel command is terminated early, all currently executing commands are terminated.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • commands ((optional) list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]) – An un-ordered array of commands to execute in parallel. Once all commands have finished executing the parallel command finishes. Please note that the delay of parallel command and the delay of each command are additive.
attribute_map = {'commands': 'commands', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'commands': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.play_media_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.play_media_command.PlayMediaCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, audio_track=None, component_id=None, source=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Plays media on a media player (currently only a Video player; audio may be added in the future). The media may be on the background audio track or may be sequenced with speak directives).

attribute_map = {'audio_track': 'audioTrack', 'component_id': 'componentId', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'source': 'source', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'audio_track': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.audio_track.AudioTrack', 'component_id': 'str', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'source': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.video_source.VideoSource]', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.position module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.position.Position

Bases: enum.Enum

Whether the value is a relative or absolute offset. Defaults to absolute.

Allowed enum values: [absolute, relative]

absolute = 'absolute'
relative = 'relative'

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.render_document_directive module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.render_document_directive.RenderDocumentDirective(token=None, document=None, datasources=None, packages=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.directive.Directive

  • token ((optional) str) – A unique identifier for the presentation.
  • document ((optional) dict(str, object)) – Depending on the document type, it represents either an entire APL document or a reference Link to the document. In a Link object, the value of the 'src' should follow a URI format defined like 'doc://alexa/apl/documents/<document_id>'. The 'document_id' is a reference to the APL document that the developer stores through APL Authoring Tool.
  • datasources ((optional) dict(str, object)) – Data sources to bind to the document when rendering.
  • packages ((optional) list[object]) – A list of packages including layouts, styles, and images etc.
attribute_map = {'datasources': 'datasources', 'document': 'document', 'object_type': 'type', 'packages': 'packages', 'token': 'token'}
deserialized_types = {'datasources': 'dict(str, object)', 'document': 'dict(str, object)', 'object_type': 'str', 'packages': 'list[object]', 'token': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.rendered_document_state module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.rendered_document_state.RenderedDocumentState(token=None, version=None, components_visible_on_screen=None)

Bases: object

Provides context for any APL content shown on screen.

attribute_map = {'components_visible_on_screen': 'componentsVisibleOnScreen', 'token': 'token', 'version': 'version'}
deserialized_types = {'components_visible_on_screen': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_visible_on_screen.ComponentVisibleOnScreen]', 'token': 'str', 'version': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.rotate_transform_property module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.rotate_transform_property.RotateTransformProperty(rotate=0.0)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.transform_property.TransformProperty

Parameters:rotate (float) – Rotation angle, in degrees. Positive angles rotate in the clockwise direction.
attribute_map = {'rotate': 'rotate'}
deserialized_types = {'rotate': 'float'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.runtime module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.runtime.Runtime(max_version=None)

Bases: object

Contains the runtime information for the interface.

Parameters:max_version ((optional) str) – Maximum APL version supported by the runtime.
attribute_map = {'max_version': 'maxVersion'}
deserialized_types = {'max_version': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.scale_transform_property module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.scale_transform_property.ScaleTransformProperty(scale=1.0, scale_x=1.0, scale_y=1.0)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.transform_property.TransformProperty

  • scale (float) – Uniform scaling in both X and Y.
  • scale_x (float) – Scaling in the X direction (overrides “scale” if in same group).
  • scale_y (float) – Scaling in the Y direction (overrides “scale” if in same group).
attribute_map = {'scale': 'scale', 'scale_x': 'scaleX', 'scale_y': 'scaleY'}
deserialized_types = {'scale': 'float', 'scale_x': 'float', 'scale_y': 'float'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.scroll_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.scroll_command.ScrollCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, distance=None, component_id=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Scroll a ScrollView or Sequence forward or backward by a number of pages. The Scroll command has the following properties in addition to the regular command properties.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • distance ((optional) int) – The number of pages to scroll. Defaults to 1.
  • component_id ((optional) str) – The id of the component.
attribute_map = {'component_id': 'componentId', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'distance': 'distance', 'object_type': 'type', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'component_id': 'str', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'distance': 'int', 'object_type': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.scroll_to_index_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.scroll_to_index_command.ScrollToIndexCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, align=None, component_id=None, index=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Scroll forward or backward through a ScrollView or Sequence to ensure that a particular child component is in view.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • align ((optional) ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.align.Align) –
  • component_id ((optional) str) – The id of the component.
  • index ((optional) int) – The 0-based index of the child to display.
attribute_map = {'align': 'align', 'component_id': 'componentId', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'index': 'index', 'object_type': 'type', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'align': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.align.Align', 'component_id': 'str', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'index': 'int', 'object_type': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.send_event_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.send_event_command.SendEventCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, arguments=None, components=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

The SendEvent command allows the APL author to generate and send an event to Alexa.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • arguments ((optional) list[str]) – An array of argument data to pass to Alexa.
  • components ((optional) list[str]) – An array of components to extract value data from and provide to Alexa.
attribute_map = {'arguments': 'arguments', 'components': 'components', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'arguments': 'list[str]', 'components': 'list[str]', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.sequential_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.sequential_command.SequentialCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, catch=None, commands=None, object_finally=None, repeat_count=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

A sequential command executes a series of commands in order. The sequential command executes the command list in order, waiting for the previous command to finish before executing the next. The sequential command is finished when all of its child commands have finished. When the Sequential command is terminated early, the currently executing command is terminated and no further commands are executed.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • catch ((optional) list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]) – An ordered list of commands to execute if this sequence is prematurely terminated.
  • commands ((optional) list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]) – An array of commands to execute. The commands execute in order; each command must finish before the next can begin. Please note that the delay of sequential command and the delay of the first command in the sequence are additive.
  • object_finally ((optional) list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]) – An ordered list of commands to execute after the normal commands and the catch commands.
  • repeat_count ((optional) int) – The number of times to repeat this series of commands. Defaults to 0. Negative values will be ignored. Note that the delay assigned to overall sequential command only applies the first time. For example, in the sample sequential command below the first SendEvent fires at 3000 milliseconds, the second at 5000, the first SendEvent fires again at 7000 milliseconds, and so forth. {"type": "Sequential","delay": 1000,"repeatCount": 2,"commands": [{ "type": "SendEvent","delay": 2000},{"type": "SendEvent","delay": 2000}]}
attribute_map = {'catch': 'catch', 'commands': 'commands', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_finally': 'finally', 'object_type': 'type', 'repeat_count': 'repeatCount', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'catch': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]', 'commands': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_finally': 'list[ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command]', 'object_type': 'str', 'repeat_count': 'int', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_focus_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_focus_command.SetFocusCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, component_id=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Changes the actionable component that is in focus. Only one component may have focus at a time.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • component_id ((optional) str) – The ID of the component to set focus on.
attribute_map = {'component_id': 'componentId', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'component_id': 'str', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_page_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_page_command.SetPageCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, component_id=None, position=None, value=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Change the page displayed in a Pager component. The SetPage command finishes when the item is fully in view.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • component_id ((optional) str) – The id of the Pager component.
  • position ((optional) ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.position.Position) –
  • value ((optional) int) – The distance to move. May be an absolute value or a relative value.
attribute_map = {'component_id': 'componentId', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'position': 'position', 'value': 'value', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'component_id': 'str', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'position': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.position.Position', 'value': 'int', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_state_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_state_command.SetStateCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, component_id=None, state=None, value=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

The SetState command changes one of the component’s state settings. The SetState command can be used to change the checked, disabled, and focused states. The karaoke and pressed states may not be directly set; use the Select command or SpeakItem commands to change those states. Also, note that the focused state may only be set - it can’t be cleared.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • component_id ((optional) str) – The id of the component whose value should be set.
  • state ((optional) ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_state.ComponentState) – The name of the state to set. Must be one of “checked”, “disabled”, and “focused”.
  • value ((optional) bool) – The value to set on the property
attribute_map = {'component_id': 'componentId', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_type': 'type', 'state': 'state', 'value': 'value', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'component_id': 'str', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'state': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.component_state.ComponentState', 'value': 'bool', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_value_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.set_value_command.SetValueCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, component_id=None, object_property=None, value=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Change a dynamic property of a component without redrawing the screen.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • component_id ((optional) str) – The id of the component whose value to set.
  • object_property ((optional) str) – The name of the property to set.
  • value ((optional) str) – The property value to set.
attribute_map = {'component_id': 'componentId', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'object_property': 'property', 'object_type': 'type', 'value': 'value', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'component_id': 'str', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'object_property': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'value': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.skew_transform_property module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.skew_transform_property.SkewTransformProperty(skew_x=1.0, skew_y=1.0)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.transform_property.TransformProperty

  • skew_x (float) – Skew angle for the X-axis, in degrees. X-axis lines remain horizontal.
  • skew_y (float) – Skew angle for the Y-axis, in degrees. Y-axis lines remain vertical.
attribute_map = {'skew_x': 'skewX', 'skew_y': 'skewY'}
deserialized_types = {'skew_x': 'float', 'skew_y': 'float'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.speak_item_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.speak_item_command.SpeakItemCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, align=None, component_id=None, highlight_mode=None, minimum_dwell_time=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Reads the contents of a single item on the screen. By default the item will be scrolled into view if it is not currently visible.

attribute_map = {'align': 'align', 'component_id': 'componentId', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'highlight_mode': 'highlightMode', 'minimum_dwell_time': 'minimumDwellTime', 'object_type': 'type', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'align': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.align.Align', 'component_id': 'str', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'highlight_mode': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.highlight_mode.HighlightMode', 'minimum_dwell_time': 'int', 'object_type': 'str', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.speak_list_command module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.speak_list_command.SpeakListCommand(delay=None, description=None, when=None, align=None, component_id=None, count=None, minimum_dwell_time=None, start=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.command.Command

Read the contents of a range of items inside a common container. Each item will scroll into view before speech. Each item should have a speech property, but it is not required.

  • delay ((optional) int) – The delay in milliseconds before this command starts executing; must be non-negative. Defaults to 0.
  • description ((optional) str) – A user-provided description of this command.
  • when ((optional) bool) – If false, the execution of the command is skipped. Defaults to true.
  • align ((optional) ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.align.Align) –
  • component_id ((optional) str) – The id of the component to read.
  • count ((optional) int) – The number of items to speak
  • minimum_dwell_time ((optional) int) – The minimum number of milliseconds that an item will be highlighted for. Defaults to 0.
  • start ((optional) int) – The 0-based index of the first item to speak
attribute_map = {'align': 'align', 'component_id': 'componentId', 'count': 'count', 'delay': 'delay', 'description': 'description', 'minimum_dwell_time': 'minimumDwellTime', 'object_type': 'type', 'start': 'start', 'when': 'when'}
deserialized_types = {'align': 'ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.align.Align', 'component_id': 'str', 'count': 'int', 'delay': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'minimum_dwell_time': 'int', 'object_type': 'str', 'start': 'int', 'when': 'bool'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.transform_property module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.transform_property.TransformProperty

Bases: object

Transform property to apply to a component.

attribute_map = {}
deserialized_types = {}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.user_event module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.user_event.UserEvent(request_id=None, timestamp=None, locale=None, token=None, arguments=None, source=None, components=None)

Bases: ask_sdk_model.request.Request

  • request_id ((optional) str) – Represents the unique identifier for the specific request.
  • timestamp ((optional) datetime) – Provides the date and time when Alexa sent the request as an ISO 8601 formatted string. Used to verify the request when hosting your skill as a web service.
  • locale ((optional) str) – A string indicating the user’s locale. For example: en-US. This value is only provided with certain request types.
  • token ((optional) str) – A unique token for the active presentation.
  • arguments ((optional) list[object]) – The array of argument data to pass to Alexa.
  • source ((optional) object) – Meta-information about what caused the event to be generated.
  • components ((optional) object) – Components associated with the request.
attribute_map = {'arguments': 'arguments', 'components': 'components', 'locale': 'locale', 'object_type': 'type', 'request_id': 'requestId', 'source': 'source', 'timestamp': 'timestamp', 'token': 'token'}
deserialized_types = {'arguments': 'list[object]', 'components': 'object', 'locale': 'str', 'object_type': 'str', 'request_id': 'str', 'source': 'object', 'timestamp': 'datetime', 'token': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.video_source module

class ask_sdk_model.interfaces.alexa.presentation.apl.video_source.VideoSource(description=None, duration=None, url=None, repeat_count=None, offset=None)

Bases: object

The source property holds the video clip or sequence of video clips to play.

  • description ((optional) str) – Optional description of this source material
  • duration ((optional) int) – Duration of time to play. If not set, defaults to the entire stream. Expressed in milliseconds.
  • url ((optional) str) – Media source material
  • repeat_count ((optional) int) – Number of times to loop the video. Defaults to 0.
  • offset ((optional) int) – Offset to start playing at in the stream (defaults to 0).
attribute_map = {'description': 'description', 'duration': 'duration', 'offset': 'offset', 'repeat_count': 'repeatCount', 'url': 'url'}
deserialized_types = {'description': 'str', 'duration': 'int', 'offset': 'int', 'repeat_count': 'int', 'url': 'str'}
supports_multiple_types = False

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model